Can a DUI be Reduced in South Carolina?

South Carolina takes DUI charges very seriously. It’s why the punishments are severe, tolerance is low, and why law enforcement is willing to take action to keep other drivers safe on the road. But just because you’re charged with a DUI doesn’t mean that’s what you’ll end up with on your criminal record. In some cases, and with the help of a South Carolina DUI defense attorney, people are able to plead to a reduced charge. 

Let’s take a look at what reduced charges mean for drivers facing DUI charges and how you can tell if a reduced charge is a possibility for your case.

What Reduced Charges Mean for You

Reduced charges are exactly what they sound like—charges that carry less severe punishments than DUI. In South Carolina, it’s possible to plead to a reduced charge of reckless driving in certain situations, and the punishments for reckless driving are less severe. 

The Benefits of Pleading to a Reduced Charge

Pleading to a reduced charge of reckless driving offers several benefits that pleading to a DUI charge simply won’t provide. This includes:

  • Reduced fines: Reckless driving fines can be lower than those associated with DUI. 
  • Reduced impact on insurance rates: Reckless driving convictions typically won’t increase your insurance premiums as much as a DUI conviction will. This can save you hundreds over the course of the year.
  • No repeat offender status for future DUI: If you successfully plead to a reduced charge of reckless driving and are charged with DUI at a later date, you won’t be labeled a repeat offender. This means you could face less severe punishments like shorter license suspension times and shorter jail sentences.
  • No trial: If you plead to a reckless driving charge, you’ll likely be able to avoid the time-consuming and often stressful process of a DUI trial.

Keep in mind that not everyone will be able to plead guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving. Your South Carolina DUI defense attorney will be able to help you understand your options so you can make an informed decision based on the unique circumstances of your case.

When Should You Plead to a Reduced Charge?

Unfortunately, many drivers charged with DUI will not be eligible for a reduced charge of reckless driving. Since every case is unique, it all depends on the circumstances of your case and your charge. However, there are a few common instances when drivers may be able to plead to a reduced charge. This includes the following:

  • You can’t challenge the traffic stop: If law enforcement officials clearly had grounds to pull you over and conducted themselves appropriately, you may not be able to challenge the stop. Pleading guilty to a reduced charge could be a good choice.
  • Your field sobriety test was administered properly: Errors with field sobriety tests are common and can be ground to contest the DUI charge. But if your test was administered correctly, pleading to a reduced charge could be the best way to reduce the impact of your actions.
  • You clearly tested over the legal limit: If you can dispute the accuracy of the BAC level, you may be able to get your charges dismissed. But if it’s clear that you tested over the legal limit, pleading to a reduced charge could be your best option.

Do You Need a South Carolina DUI Defense Attorney for Reduced Charges?

Every person is allowed to represent themselves in court, whether they’re facing DUI charges or a reduced reckless driving charge. However, it’s almost always in your best interest to work with an experienced South Carolina DUI defense attorney from the very beginning. 

Your attorney will be able to argue your case and show the court why a reduced charge is more appropriate in a way that the court will respect and understand. At Truslow & Truslow, our team is ready to help you deal with your DUI charge. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation today.